Inviting Supplier to Enroll
Regarding initial enrollment of a Client’s supplier, Client will…
- Be responsible for identifying all new suppliers it requires to enroll with GRMS’ Supplier Risk Assessment Program
- Send a pre-formatted email notification to the supplier’s primary contact email address instructing them to enroll with GRMS’ Supplier Risk Assessment Program
- Be responsible for following-up with supplier to ensure intial enrollment with GRMS’ Supplier Risk Assessment Program
Regarding management of annual re-enrollment of Client’s supplier
If supplier has enabled Auto-Renew enrollment feature:
- 15 days prior to expiration date GRMS will charge supplier’s credit card on file for new risk assessment covering upcoming 12-month period
If supplier has not enabled Auto-Renew enrollment feature:
GRMS will send pre-formatted email notifications to the supplier’s primary contact email address on file over the following intervals:
- 4 weeks prior to annual enrollment expiration date
- 3 weeks prior to annual enrollment expiration date, if required
- 2 weeks prior to annual enrollment expiration date, if required
- 1 week prior to annual enrollment expiration date, if required
- One day prior to annual enrollment expiration date, if required
Note: If invalid email address (bounce back), GRMS will notify CLIENT’s Supplier Management Office (SMO) that email is no longer valid (GRMS to send email to SupplierManagement@Client.com)
If the supplier’s enrollment period expires, GRMS will…
- Send daily Past Due notices to the supplier’s primary contact email address on file for 30 days post expiration date
- Additionally, within 30 day period following expiration, GRMS will reach out at least once (1) to the primary contact’s phone number on file to discuss annual re-enrollment requirement.
- Note: If the phone number is no longer valid, or the primary contact is no longer with the company, GRMS will send an email to CLIENT SMO notifying them that multiple attempts were made to reach supplier’s primary contact regarding annual re-enrollment, with all attempts being unsuccessful (GRMS to send email to SupplierManagement@Client.com).
- Additionally, within 30 day period following expiration, GRMS will reach out at least once (1) to the primary contact’s phone number on file to discuss annual re-enrollment requirement.
- After 30 days post expiration date, GRMS will email Past Due notice every 10 days thereafter up to 90 days post expiration date
Should CLIENT SMO be notified that supplier has invalid contact information (name / email / phone) on file with GRMS, CLIENT SMO will…
- Contact the respective CLIENT “Procurement Supplier Owner” affiliated with the supplier to confirm current contact information (name/phone/email).
- If contact information is different than information on file with GRMS, SMO will send email to proper supplier contact notifying them of need to re-enroll with GRMS (copying the “Procurement Supplier Owner”) and educating them on the role GRMS plays as part of Nature’s Bounty’s Supplier Risk Management Program.
- Generate a GRMS Support Ticket (send email to support@achilles.com) to have the supplier’s contact information updated in GRMS’ Veritas platform.
- (Internal to CLIENT) If contact information is different than information on file within supplier’s Oracle SDH record, SMO will initiate a (SharePoint) Supplier Maintenance Request Form to have the “Contact Directory” section of the supplier’s SDH record updated to reflect proper contact name, email and phone information.